Fasting Apple Pie

Ingredients (6 portions):
  • 2 cups flour faceted
  • 2 tbsp. sugar spoon
  • 120 ml of vegetable oil
  • 70 ml (about 6 tablespoons. Tablespoons) cold water
  • Salt - a pinch
  • 2-3 medium-sized apple
  • 100-120 g of sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp. flour spoon (no slides)
  • 0.5 hours. Cinnamon
Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, sift flour, add the sugar and the salt on the tip of a knife, pour vegetable oil and cold water, all mix and knead the dough.

2. Divide the dough into 2 parts, one part that was a little larger than the other, wrap in plastic wrap, and 40-60 min. Place in the refrigerator.

3. In a baking dish lay out the dough piece, which is more evenly spread across the surface and form small ledges. The dough will be easier to distribute the form and it will not break if the surface of the hands and lightly floured.

4. Wash the apples, dry them, cut into quarters and remove the core

5. Cut the apples into slices about 5 mm thick.

6. Sift in a bowl 2-3 tbsp. flour spoon (no slides), mix with sugar and cinnamon, then with apples.

7. Pour the filling onto a substrate in a baking dish, spread evenly over the surface

8. A smaller part of the roll out dough, cover with pie Pinch edges and make a small hole in the center, to the steam inside. Brush the top of the cake grease with vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar.

9. Place the baking dish in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 50-60 minutes.

10. When lean apple pie is ready, remove it from the oven, let stand 10 minutes. and serve.

The best foods for breakfast

It is very important to the choice of food at breakfast with the utmost seriousness and build your schedule so that instead of a cup of coffee, drunk on the run, you have time to fully eat. And so you no longer have to puzzle over the fact that you can cook for breakfast, we have collected for you a few products, the composition of which is optimally suited for the beginning of the day.

1. Porridges

• Oatmeal - an absolute leader among the perfect dish for lunch. Oatmeal is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, potassium and, of course, fiber. Not without reason this mess called Herculean - it really makes you stronger. Just try to avoid instant cereals with the addition of different fillers. It is better to buy the usual cereal and add the fruit, berries or nuts.

• Barley porridge - unjustly forgotten dish on our table. It is especially useful for students, as it promotes the development of a growing organism and helps with mental stress. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which removes toxins and harmful waste products.

• Rice porridge with milk is familiar to us from childhood. It is rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide energy for a long time, strengthens the cardiovascular system and a positive effect on digestion.

2. Curd

The most important product for breakfast. The ideal proportions in the curd contains calcium and phosphorus, it is also rich in protein and essential α-amino acids. Those who have no problems with being overweight, fat cottage cheese is good to choose from 9% to better absorb vitamins A and E. If there is a simple cottage boring, add to it fruits, berries, dried apricots, honey, raisins and nuts. And you can try unusual variant - to chop herbs and grate cheese tangy cheese.

3. Rye and wheat bread

Sandwiches - the easiest and most obvious answer to the question: "What to cook for breakfast." But, alas, it is not always correct. You can rehabilitate sandwiches, replacing conventional rye bread or whole grain. This bread is rich in B vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates, fills us with energy for the whole day. Put the cheese on the bread, lettuce, fish or cottage cheese smear.

4. Eggs

Do not believe those who say that because of the large number of eggs increased cholesterol in the blood. This myth has long been denied! Eggs - a source of useful protein and amino acids. In addition, based on them can come up with so many delicious dishes that breakfast is never boring!

5. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate - a wonderful dessert option for breakfast for all who follow the figure. Real chocolate with more cocoa nourishes the body, prevents premature aging and gives us a good mood. Add a piece of chocolate for breakfast and meet new day with a smile!

Chicken galantine

  • 1 chicken weighing 1.5 kg
  • 250g minced beef
  • 150g pork mince
  • 100 grams of ham, cut into thin slices
  • 200 g frozen peas
  • 2 large carrots
  • salt, pepper, spice mix for meat
Cooking method:

1. Clean the chicken is completely off the bone so that the skin remains whole. Breast, cut lengthwise and spread evenly over the entire surface. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with spices.
2. Mix the two types of meat, season with salt and pepper. Add the peas and diced carrots.
3. Spread the mixture over the entire surface of the chicken, put slices of ham. Roll up roll. Wrap it tightly in foil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees until tender (approximately 1-1.5 hours).

Okroshka on kefir

Ingredients (for 4 servings):
  • 200 grams of ham
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 cucumbers
  • A bunch of radishes
  • 3 eggs
  • A bunch of green onions and dill
  • 1 liter of yogurt (diluted in water 3: 1)
  • Sour cream
Cooking method:

Potatoes and eggs to boil.

Cucumbers, radishes, green wash, dry.

Finely chop the onion and dill, pour them into the pan, which will submit the hodgepodge, and well-rubbed wooden tolkushkoy them.

Cut the rest of the ingredients into cubes, add to the greenery.

Pour the cooled diluted with water kefir.

Serve with sour cream.

How to make yogurt without yogurt machine

Most Valuable yogurt will not be sold in the store. It can be done in the kitchen, having at hand the necessary minimum of ingredients, warm corner and a clean jar.

Yogurt in the home cook a lot easier than it seems at first glance.

To prepare 1 liter of homemade yogurt you will need:
  • 1 l of pasteurized milk
  • 1 package dry yogurt starter (available at pharmacies and specialty health food stores) or 1 jar of store yogurt labeled "bio" without additives.
Dishes to sterilize the yogurt. Milk bring to the boil and cool down to 40-45 degrees temperature (can be checked by dropping the wrist: the milk must be hot, but not burn).

Enter leaven and mix thoroughly. It must be done very quickly, so that the milk did not have time to cool down. The mixture is then 6-10 hours put in a warm place. Ideally, use a thermos or yogurt. If neither one nor the other hand no container tightly closed and put in the preheated to 50 degrees and off the oven. Do not stir. Ready yogurt 4 hours put into the refrigerator.

Shelf life homemade yogurt in the fridge - 7-8 days. A portion of yogurt can be used as a leaven.

Cabbage cutlets Diet

Ingredients (for 4 servings):
  • Cabbage - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 1/2 cup
  • Flour - 1/2 cup
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Greens - to taste Olive oil - to taste Breadcrumbs - to taste Salt - to taste Spices - to taste
Cooking method:

Cabbage cut into 4 pieces and weld in salted water for 8-10 minutes.

Fold the cabbage in a colander, mince and squeeze to remove water.

On a fine grater grate the onion and garlic through a press skip.

Dill finely chop.

For the cabbage add the onion, garlic and fresh herbs. Add salt and season with spices to taste.

Add flour, semolina, mix well.

Form of this mass patties, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in olive oil until crispy golden crust.

Recipes Summer refreshments

Mexican "Agua Fresco"

In Mexico, about the heat know firsthand, so they know a lot about soft drinks. "Agua fresco" means "fresh water." The recipe is very simple: Mix in a blender the melon flesh with ice-cold water, add a sprig of mint and a squeeze of lime! Pour into a tall glass with ice and enjoy!

Tropical paradise

Mix in a blender slices of mango, pineapple, kiwi and papaya. Thin coconut milk and lime juice. This exotic blend will not leave anyone indifferent.

Berry fun

Mix in all proportions raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. If you do not have fresh berries, you can take frozen. Change the color of the drink, depending on whether any berries will be larger.

Citrus charge of vitamins

Do you want to make up for supply of vitamin C in the body, and along with a refreshing swim? Mix the fresh juice of an orange and a grapefruit. Add a little lemon juice and garnish the glass with a slice of lime.

Peach miracle

What can do without summer peaches and nectarines? Mix in a blender peach, plum, nectarine and water or low-fat yogurt. And if you want something unusual, add and figs. You can experiment with the consistency of the drink and instead make a thick dessert that can be decorated with berries and pomegranate grains.

Non-alcoholic sangria

Mix in a jar grape, apple and orange juice, and then add pieces of fresh fruit and ice.

Let the summer will be a bright and delicious!

What can you eat before bedtime?

After a busy day, take care and talk to us is often difficult to calm down and fall asleep. We tossed and turned in terror a few hours before the alarm. You do not know how to solve this problem? Try to eat something before going to bed! "Snack ?!" - you will be amazed. But what about the "after six do not eat"? But stress from lack of sleep is very harmful for the body and can also lead to overweight. Some foods can help us to calm down and relax.

Children also may be useful to have a snack before going to bed - growth requires from them a lot of strength and energy, so it is very difficult to wait for breakfast.

So, what you can eat at night?
  • Half a banana and a handful of raw almonds.
  • Peanut butter with apple slices.
  • Cheddar cheese on a wheat loaf.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Low-fat yogurt with fresh berries.
  • A teaspoon of hummus with sliced ​​cucumbers.
  • Serve cherries.
  • Whole grain toast with almond butter.
  • Warm milk.
  • Calming chamomile tea.
Now that you know what foods you can eat at night, and you can come up with your own combinations of them. For example, it may be banana slices with peanut butter, apples and cheese or almonds with a cherry.
All of these products provide a relaxing effect on various reasons. Seeds and cheese contain tryptophan, which is converted in the body to melatonin is responsible for healthy sleep. Melatonin is also found in cherries and bananas. Almond helps to relax the muscles. The dairy products contain calcium, are also responsible for a peaceful sleep.
Often children ask for bedtime something sweet - a cookie or a chocolate bar. It is better not to indulge them - a high content of sugar on the contrary will give cheerfulness, which is completely useless.
Here is a list of products that are better for using in the first half of the day to avoid sleep problems:
  • Coffee, tea and sodas
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate
And try to eat before going to bed very small portion of the approximately 30-45 minutes before going to bed.

Enjoy your dreams!

What foods contain Iron

Iron Features

Iron plays an important role in the human body. One of the major - transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and transport carbon dioxide in the reverse direction. "Work" is carried by red blood cells that contain hemoglobin, a protein, and it is part of the hemoglobin molecule consists of iron atoms.

Iron plays an important role in metabolism. With enough of this trace element content in enzymes and proteins are made by processes such as DNA production, blood formation processes, destruction of toxic substances by the liver, redox reactions, energy metabolism, and others.

Iron is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. Thanks to him, increased disease resistance and immunity, restores skin tone, there is prevention of the diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, which often affects children and women.


The average daily rate of all people are different. It depends on the age, gender and lifestyle. For men, it is 10 mg for women - 15-20 mg according to the age. The highest daily dose needed for pregnant women - 30 mg. The upper limit of intake of iron - 45 mg.

Iron comes in two forms: heme contained in animal products, and non-heme, which is found in plant foods. While heme iron is almost completely digested with digestion with non-heme iron may have problems. To better assimilated his body, the reducing agent is required, whose role in the redox reactions play vitamin C and folic acid.

It is important to remember that it is better to make up deficiency of iron from animal food. People who adhere to a vegetarian diet, it is necessary to make sure that their diet included foods containing vitamin C. But the tea, coffee and dairy products is better not to be combined with iron-containing products because they contain polyphenols, caffeine and calcium reduce the absorption of iron .

Where to look for iron

So, what foods contain the most iron? Leaders can be safely regarded as red meat, beef and mutton (meat and the redder the higher the level of iron in it), and offal (liver is the first place on the content of this element). Thus, in bovine liver contains 14 mg per 100 g product, pork - 12, chicken - 8.6 Beef - 5.7. The beef - 3.2 mg in mutton - 2.3, turkey - 1.8, pork - 1.5, in chicken meat - 1.5.

Seafood, especially shellfish such as mussels and oysters, are also an excellent source of iron. The mussels its content reaches 6.8 mg, oysters - 5.7, sardines - 2.9, shrimp - 1.7.

In most plant foods high iron content - in legumes. Thus, peas contained 6.8 mg of iron in green beans - 5.9 in soybeans - 5.1 in white beans - 3.7, in lentils - 3.3, red beans and chick-pea - 2 9. The second highest iron content are vegetables with dark green leaves: spinach (3.5 mg per 100 g), chard (3.1), parsley (5.8), artichokes (3.9), celery (1, 3), cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage and broccoli (about 1.3).

In addition, a lot of iron contained in molasses (21.5 mg), rye bread (3.9), buckwheat (7.8), oatmeal (3.6), tofu cheese (5.4), egg yolks ( 2.5), pistachios (4.8), peanuts (4.2), almonds (4.2), cashew nuts (3.8), walnuts (3.6), sesame seeds (14.6), pumpkin seeds (14).

Fruits contain a small amount of iron, but the dried fruit can even compete with the meat. For example, dried apricots contains 4.7 mg, prunes - 3.9, raisins - 3.3, and dry apples - 15. It has long been the myth that the iron contained in apples, enough to make up for the daily requirement of this element in organism. The amount of iron in apples reaches, depending on the variety of apples, a maximum of 2 mg per 100 g That is, to make up for the daily requirement, it is necessary to eat several kilos of apples ...

And you have already prepared a bag of apples to make up the daily dose of iron?

Healthy Eating: root vegetables, baked in the oven

All the health experts agree that the roots are very useful for our health. They contain nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body. Here only want to see the food was not only useful but also very tasty! Use our simple recipe and turn in your family diet vegetable gratin in the oven.

Ingredients (8 servings):
  • Pasternak or carrots - 450 g
  • Potatoes - 450 g
  • celery root - 450 g
  • Hard cheese - 225 g
  • Butter - 1 tbsp
  • Ground nutmeg - ¼ tsp
  • Cream - 2 cups
  • Milled thyme - 1 tablespoon
  • Chopped fresh parsley - 3 tablespoons
Cooking method:

To prepare the vegetable gratin to begin to heat the oven to 180 degrees and cook 3-quart baking dish and grease it with butter.

Pour the cream into a large pot, add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Put on the stove and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

Cut into thin slices all the roots. Put in a baking dish half-cooked carrots (or parsnip), then half the potatoes and celery root.

Pour half of all the creamy mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese, thyme and parsley. Put the remaining layers of carrot (or parsnips), potatoes and celery root, pour cream mixture and then sprinkle with grated cheese, thyme and parsley.

Cover the dish with foil and place in oven for 1 hour. Remove the foil and place in oven for another 15-30 minutes until golden brown. 

Bon Appetit!

Meat in French

Ingredients (10 servings):
  • Potatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Chicken fillet - 700 g.
  • Onions (large) - 2 pcs
  • Tomato - 2 pcs
  • hard cheese - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 2st. spoons
  • Ketchup - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper - 1/3 tsp..
  • Garlic - 3 the tooth.
  • Seasoning (for chops in taste) - 1/3 Art. l.
Cooking method:

I cook this dish so. I take the meat, usually chicken, or rather breast fillets. But it is possible and pork. Cut into pieces of about 1, 5 cm -2 in thickness and size, as chops. Slugger they are not strong. In a separate dish mix the salt, pepper, any more seasoning to taste. And then I rub this mixture into the meat on both sides.

Spread the meat on a greased with vegetable oil or butter a baking sheet. I take a bow, cut it into half rings, divide into polukruzhochki and spread the first layer of meat. Then, just chop the tomatoes into half rings and spread them on top of the bow on the pieces of meat the second layer. You can sprinkle with finely chopped greens. Cover with a layer of potatoes. Raw potatoes with grate 1-2mm thick slices.

Then on top of all the layers, pour the sauce (it do to the taste: 200 ml. Of milk, 1 tbsp. Tablespoon of sour cream, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, ketchup or tomato paste, salt, spices to taste), so that the dish is languishing (This and I have my little secret, then it turns out juicy dish). I rub the cheese and sprinkle on top. Cheese can be and more. This is who he loves.

I warm up the oven to 180 degrees and put to the pan with the meat. I bake until the potatoes are cooked yet. This is where some 40 -45 minutes. In total, ready-made meals, roughly about an hour. It turns out hearty and delicious. 

Bon Appetit!

Caesar salad

Salad emperors and the emperor of salads now in your menu! Meet - favorite salad "Caesar"!

Ingredients (for 4 servings):
  • 1 head lettuce Romano
  • 8-10 cherry tomatoes
  • 6-8 quail eggs
  • 300 g chicken breast fillet
  • 150g plain yogurt or low-fat sour cream olive oil for frying
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • 30 g parmesan
  • To toast 3-4 slices of slightly stale white loaf 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil 1-2 cloves garlic salt freshly ground black pepper if desired, you can use ready-made croutons and croutons;
  • For the sauce 150 g mayonnaise 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice 1 hour. l. uochesterskogo sauce 1-2 cloves garlic 2-3 tbsp. l. cream or whole milk salt freshly ground black pepper if desired, you can use ready-made sauce.
Cooking method:

Wash the chicken breasts dry and well. Rub it with salt and pepper, pour the yogurt or sour cream and leave to marinate for 40 minutes at room temperature.

Remove the breast from the marinade and blot with paper towels. In a frying pan heat the oil, put the entire breast and brown for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Bring to a readiness in a preheated 180 degree oven. Cool, cool and cut into slices. While breast cools, prepare the croutons and sauce.

Garlic peel and finely chop. In a small container to pour the olive oil, add to the garlic, salt and pepper and allow the mixture to sit for an hour. Bread cut into small cubes and fry in garlic butter. These can then be dosushit oven. For the sauce, mix well all ingredients (garlic is better to skip through the press).

Salad romano wash, dry and break off his hands. Boil the eggs and cut in half. Cherry tomatoes washed, cut in half, lightly salt.

At the dish put lettuce on top of decomposed chicken and pour over the sauce. On top of salad and chicken nuggets lay toast, eggs and tomato halves.

Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bon Appetit!

Cottage pie recipe with turkey

Shepherd's pie - a traditional British cuisine. This is not pie in the conventional sense, but rather layered casserole, covered with a layer of mashed potatoes. Most often it is made with lamb, but we will tell you more about the dietary options. Shepherd's pie turkey - a great option for a hearty and delicious meal.

Servings: 4

  • Minced turkey - 400 g
  • Potatoes - 600 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Red pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Frozen peas - 150 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Broth - 300 ml
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - Article 2.5. l.
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp..
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
Cooking method:

Prepare the vegetables: carrots grate, peppers and onions cut into fine strips, chop the garlic.

Cut the potatoes into small pieces, boil in salted water and mash into a puree. Add 1.5 tablespoons butter, coriander, salt. After the mash has cooled down a little, mix it with egg, cover and set aside for a while.

Fry the onion, pepper, garlic and carrots (about 2 minutes). Add the minced turkey, stir and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Pour the beef broth, bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add the peas and cook for another few minutes.

Preheat oven to 190 ° C.

Put the minced vegetables in a baking dish, top with a layer of mashed potatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake for 50-60 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for steamers: cottage cheese pudding with bananas

Dishes cooked in a double boiler, easy to prepare, plus they are very useful and tasty, especially if you follow the figure! For example, cottage cheese casserole turns in her unusually gentle. And if you add a little cheese banana, plain casserole can already be considered as a cake!

Cheese casserole recipe

  • 3-5% curd - 250 g
  • Corn flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 80 ml
  • Bananas - 1 pc.
  • Jam, jam, honey or condensed milk - for decoration
Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese, corn flour, eggs and sugar. Pour in milk.

2. Whisk the mixture blender.

3. Cut the banana into small pieces and add to cottage cheese.

4. Curd put in a bowl of steamers for cooking cereals to prepare and put on 30 minutes.

5. Allow the casserole to cool slightly (about 15-20 minutes), then gently flip it onto a plate.

Serve with jam, jam, honey or condensed milk.

Bon Appetit!

Baked potatoes with olive oil and herbs

Ingredients (for 4 servings)
  • potatoes
  • garlic
  • aromatic herbs
  • olive oil
Cooking method

Very tasty and flavorful potatoes. Suitable as a side dish to any meat and fish, and by itself - it is me :) We will need: potatoes garlic to your favorite fragrant herb olive oil or butter coarse salt can take any potatoes with fine sandpaper (preferably, but not necessarily, young). Wash thoroughly, but do not clean, it is desirable to pick up the tubers of the same size or larger.

Boil until cooked, cool down, and then press down gently with a spoon on top of each potato to make it a little cracked, but not collapsed.

The form, which will be baked potatoes, pour a little olive oil and garlic to spread the plate. Put the potatoes, season with salt, sprinkle with fresh or dried herbs, pour over each potato with olive oil or put a piece of butter.

I do only with olive, but can someone like best with cream. Bake in preheated oven until browning. Serve by pouring scented oil.

Recipe proper breakfast

How should look the right breakfast? Read the opinions of nutritionists on a wholesome and healthy breakfast, we needed in the winter. Read their tips.

People's opinions about breakfast is very different. Someone breakfast cup of coffee, someone does not eat breakfast at all, but someone's breakfast meals. Nutritionists argue that the ideal breakfast should contain 1/3 of the daily rate of protein, carbohydrates and 2/3 norm less than 1/5 of the fat standards. And vitamins with trace elements, of course.

In winter breakfast value is enhanced, because we do not need to freeze corny and be functional, that the constantly decreasing photoperiod is not so easy.

A great option wholesome breakfast - porridge is not from a bag. It can be decorated with raisins, dried apricots, apple slices, orange or kiwi. Also useful vegetable salads, to fill that need low-fat yogurt.

Spanish soup gazpacho

Exquisite Spanish cold soup perfect for lunch in warm weather.

Ingredients (for 4 servings)
  • Ripe Tomatoes - 6 pieces.
  • Red pepper - ½ piece.
  • Red onion - ½ piece.
  • Cucumber - ½ piece.
  • The stalk of celery - 2 pcs.
  • Basil leaves - a small handful.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • Olive oil - 50 ml.
  • Tabasco Sauce - 3 drops.
  • Worcestershire sauce - 2 ml.
  • Fresh basil leaves and black pepper - to decorate.
Cooking method

Clean the tomatoes from the seeds and peel.

Place the tomatoes, red pepper, red onion, peeled cucumber, celery and basil in a food processor or blender, whisk until smooth.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Add the sugar, lemon juice, olive oil, Tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce.

Pour the soup into a saucepan or deep bowl and place in refrigerator to cool.

Pour into glasses or bowls and garnish with a spoon of Greek yogurt, basil leaves and black pepper.

Tip: plates or glasses should be cool, too.

How to cook a light soup with squid and tomatoes

This soup is great helps when the sky is covered with clouds and gloomy weather grayness urgent need to add some color. The recipe we saw in one of the magazine "Lisa blogs. Bon appetit! "And repeated at home. We declare with certainty: insanely delicious and hearty soup is easy to replace your dinner and add harmony.

  • 250 g frozen squid (rings)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 stalk of leek
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 100ml dry white wine
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • salt
  • ground white pepper
  • 400 g of fresh frozen green beans
Squids unfreeze. The oven is heated to 190 °. Tomatoes incision crosswise, put into a mold and bake in oven for 20 minutes. Peel and cut into halves. Chop the parsley. Onions and garlic are clear. Onions cut into half rings, 2 cloves of garlic - plates, chop the remaining garlic. Leek cut into rings.
Thawed squid rings mixed with crushed garlic and a half chopped parsley and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature.
In a skillet heat the 2 table. tablespoons oil and fry the onion 3 minutes. Add the leeks and fry all together 7 minutes. Pour the wine and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
Tomatoes put in a saucepan together with the rosemary. Pour 1.2 l of water and boil for 5 minutes. Add beans, salt and pepper and cook for another 10 minutes. Rosemary remove.
In a frying pan heat the remaining oil, fry the squid with garlic and herbs. Pour the soup into bowls, add the squid and sprinkle with the remaining parsley.

Healthy snacks for the beauty and grace: three dishes of strawberries

Sandwich with strawberries
To make this a healthy breakfast take a large strawberry, cool. Take a loaf of wholemeal bread and cut into wide Korzh. Grease Philadelphia cheese or any of your favorite soft cheese. Remove from the refrigerator chilled strawberries and slice. Wrap the cake in kraft paper and place in the refrigerator. The cooled cake convenient cut. Sandwiches with strawberries - it is an ideal snack during the day!

Strawberry gazpacho
In summer, I do not feel like soup, but the gazpacho from strawberries you exactly like it! strawberries, wash and pat dry on paper towel, removing the stalk. Transfer to a food processor 1 kg of strawberries, add sugar to taste and chop. Pass the puree through a fine sieve to get rid of the seeds, pour into a jug, add a couple of spoonfuls of wine, stir and refrigerate. Apricots peel, cut in half, remove the pit. Garnish with half a juicy berries and a sprig of mint. You can have dinner! 

Oatmeal with yogurt and strawberries
This breakfast can be taken out of the fridge to work with him. This is a very useful and nutritious meal: there is practically no fat and sugar. The taste of this mess - it's a real dessert. Snacking them - a pleasure. The recipe is very flexible and allows you to create ever new variations by combining different ingredients to your liking. Take a gentle oatmeal (not quick cooking), plain yogurt, with no fillers, skim milk and a glass jar with a lid (eg sold in Ikea). The bank sypem oatmeal, add the yogurt, sugar, or fructose (to taste), polportsii strawberries. Slightly flavored milk. Close the jar and shake to combine ingredients. Add the remaining fruit on top, stir gently. Tightly close the jar and put in the refrigerator overnight. During the night soaked oatmeal with milk, yogurt and fruit juices. The next day, the porridge has to be soft and gentle.

How to cook manti

Manti - dough stuffed with meat, steamed - a traditional Asian hot meat dish. In the Far East are preparing dumplings with pumpkin. We suggest that you try this wonderful recipe.

  • 0.5 kg pumpkin (pulp)
  • 700 g lamb
  • 1 egg
  • salt
  • 0.5 kg of wheat flour
  • 200 ml water
  • 300 g of beef
  • 6 bulbs

Prepare the stuffing. Beef and mutton chop very finely. Pumpkin cut into small cubes, chop onion. Salo cut pieces the size of large beans, add to the meat along with the onion and pumpkin. Season with salt and pepper. Stuffing mix well.

Flour, egg and water in a saucepan, mix and knead very stiff dough. Form small balls of it, then roll them in the cake thickness of about 2 mm. From stuffing and shape beads (1 table. Spoon) and place one in the center of each cake.

Thumb and forefinger pull the dough from the edges to the middle and connect, tightly clutching the seam. Turn one of the manta rays disclosed to the parties themselves. Take the dough over the edge and pull up to the seam to close the stuffing. Zaschepit. All repeat on the other side.

Take the dough for sticking with one edge corners, pull them together and blind sides. Repeat with the other hand. Grid steamer grease with butter. Steamers can be made out of the pan and a metal colander, suitable in size, putting a colander over a pan and cover with lid. Lay the dumplings so that they do not touch, sprinkle with cold water and simmer, covered for 40 minutes.

Serve with sour cream, adzhika, tkemali or tomato sauce.

Secret fine form DEMI MOORE: Ginger diet

Winter - it's time to carry out beneficial cleansing the body of toxins accumulated over a long time. With Detox copes ginger: it warms in cold weather, tones, protects against colds and promotes soft extra weight loss.

Ayurveda and Chinese practices used ginger for centuries. Chinese doctors in ancient times encouraged drink ginger people who are prone to obesity. Tea with ginger slimming uses Hollywood celebrity Demi Moore. Ginger root cut into thin strips, and filled with clean water. Then, over low heat bring to a boil (cook tea not more than 15 - 20 minutes). Give tea with ginger cool to 30-36 degrees and add a little fresh lemon and honey. Then add mint or Melis, and to improve the work of the kidneys - the leaves cranberries. Mint will have a calming effect on the body, reduces the feeling of hunger and the consequent irritability and nervousness.

On a diet ginger can throw from 5 to 20 kg, if a ginger drink to add a proper diet: lean meat, fish, seafood, whole-grain cereals, salads, vegetables with olive oil and dried fruit. This masterpiece - sea soup with ginger, hearty and very helpful.

  • 1 onion
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 piece of ginger (2 cm)
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 200g canned peeled tomatoes
  • 1 pinch of thyme
  • 1 pinch of dried marjoram
  • 400 g of seafood cocktail
  • 0.5 beam dill
  • salt
  • red pepper
Onion peel and cut. A pod of sweet pepper Wash, cut in half, remove the stalk with seeds, flesh cut into slices. 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped.
Ginger root (slice about 2 cm), peel and grate on a fine grater. In a saucepan heat the oil and fry the prepared onions until golden brown.
In a saucepan add onions peppers and fry for 5 minutes. Put the garlic, ginger, stir and warm up all together on a low heat for 5 minutes.
Canned tomatoes (200 gr.), Grind in a blender, add to the pan with the vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour 2 liters of hot water, add a pinch of timyanai marjoram and cook for 5 minutes.
In a saucepan put the frozen seafood (400 gr.), Bring to a boil, add salt and pepper and cook for 7 minutes. Fire shut down, pan left on a hot plate.
Dill rinse thoroughly, dry well on paper towel and chop. Soup pour into bowls, add to each the chopped herbs.

How to prepare a salad of chicken with mandarin

Lower in calories - the task is quite feasible, if used in place of mayonnaise natural yoghurt mixed with garlic or lemon juice. Ideal salads - vegetable oil.

  • 1 chicken,
  • 7 table. spoons of olive oil,
  • 70 g arugula and lettuce,
  • 4 Mandarin,
  • 1 tsp. honey spoon
  • 1 tsp. spoon of balsamic vinegar,
  • 100 g of chopped nuts,
  • salt, ground black pepper

Chicken fillet fry for 2 table. spoons of olive oil. Cover with a lid and keep on low heat for another 5 minutes.

Arugula salad and tear. Tangerine peel and divide into segments.

In a frying pan heat the remaining oil, put tangerines and add honey. With stirring, keep on heat for 2 minutes. Add the balsamic vinegar and mix gently. Remove from heat and let cool.

Chicken fillet cut into slices, mix with lettuce and arugula. Salt and pepper.

Pour this sauce with mandarin oranges and sprinkle lightly roasted nuts.

How to prepare rolls of zucchini with cheese curd

  • 4 zucchini
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 200 g of cottage cheese
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • 2 tablespoons Sahara
  • salt
  • 10 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 20 ml of soy sauce

Vegetables Wash. Do peppers remove seeds and stalk, flesh cut into strips. Cucumbers and carrots to clean, and cut into strips. Zucchini using graters peelers or cut into thin slices.
Prepare the marinade. Connect half lemon juice, salt, sugar, soy sauce and apple cider vinegar, mix well. Pour marinade zucchini, stir and leave for 20 minutes.
Onions cleaned, cut into thin, almost transparent rings. Pour onion remaining lemon juice. Remove the zucchini slices from the marinade and onions - from lemon juice, squeeze, spread out on a paper towel.
In a bowl, combine cheese, sour cream - mix well. On each slice of zucchini to put sour cream and cheese mixture, onion straws and carrot and cucumber. Close rolls and serve.

How to make rolls squid

Portion of squid (100 g) provides 106% of the daily rate of magnesium. Magnesium plays a key role in the absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells. And in many respects richer than squid meat than poultry or beef.

  • 10 squid carcasses (small)
  • mushrooms (5)
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • 1 zucchini (medium)
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 pods of yellow sweet pepper
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 200 ml of 10% cream
  • salt
  • pepper

1. Prepare the filling. Zucchini and carrots Wash, peel and cut into cubes. Peppers wash, dry, cut into cubes. 4 Stuffed squid put on a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, fry for half a minute on each side, pour the sauce and simmer for 2 minutes, gently turning the squids. Remove from heat, remove the toothpicks, put on a platter and garnish with fresh herbs.

2. In a skillet heat the vegetable oil, put the vegetables and fry for 10 minutes. Vegetables sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Squid Wash, dry, peel from the films. Pour boiling water and leave for 1 minute. Drain. Squids fill the vegetable mixture. Open edge fasten with toothpicks.

3. Prepare the sauce. Mushrooms wash, dry and finely chop. In a frying pan heat the oil and fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes. The capacity of the blender put the cream, garlic, coriander and mushrooms and whisk together until smooth.

How to cook risotto with zucchini and mushrooms

The popular Italian dish - risotto - in some kind of analogue of the pilaf. Risotto can be as basic or complex as you want. The main rule requires constant stirring and risotto should not prepare in advance.

  • 200g wild mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • 2 zucchini (young)
  • 150 g butter
  • 300 grams of rice (round)
  • 200 ml of white wine (dry)
  • 2 sprigs of basil
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • salt
  • ground black pepper

1. Wild mushrooms thoroughly washed and clean. Fold in the pan, pour 1.5 liters of water and simmer for 1 hour. Broth strain through cheesecloth and collect. Large mushrooms cut.
2. Onion peel and finely chop. Courgettes wash, dry, and then, without clearing, cut in half lengthwise and cut into not very thin slices.
3. In a skillet melt 70 grams of butter and brown the onions until golden brown. Add zucchini and stir fry. Courgettes shift into another bowl.
4. The remaining butter in a saucepan and add the melt. Add rice and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Pour dry white wine and simmer for 7 minutes.
5. Gradually, 1 ladle add about 800 ml of mushroom broth and keep on low heat until cooked rice. With sprigs of basil leaves and chopped break.
6. Add the chopped basil with rice, mushrooms and zucchini. Risotto mix gently and heat. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish with basil.