The best foods for breakfast

It is very important to the choice of food at breakfast with the utmost seriousness and build your schedule so that instead of a cup of coffee, drunk on the run, you have time to fully eat. And so you no longer have to puzzle over the fact that you can cook for breakfast, we have collected for you a few products, the composition of which is optimally suited for the beginning of the day.

1. Porridges

• Oatmeal - an absolute leader among the perfect dish for lunch. Oatmeal is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, potassium and, of course, fiber. Not without reason this mess called Herculean - it really makes you stronger. Just try to avoid instant cereals with the addition of different fillers. It is better to buy the usual cereal and add the fruit, berries or nuts.

• Barley porridge - unjustly forgotten dish on our table. It is especially useful for students, as it promotes the development of a growing organism and helps with mental stress. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which removes toxins and harmful waste products.

• Rice porridge with milk is familiar to us from childhood. It is rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide energy for a long time, strengthens the cardiovascular system and a positive effect on digestion.

2. Curd

The most important product for breakfast. The ideal proportions in the curd contains calcium and phosphorus, it is also rich in protein and essential α-amino acids. Those who have no problems with being overweight, fat cottage cheese is good to choose from 9% to better absorb vitamins A and E. If there is a simple cottage boring, add to it fruits, berries, dried apricots, honey, raisins and nuts. And you can try unusual variant - to chop herbs and grate cheese tangy cheese.

3. Rye and wheat bread

Sandwiches - the easiest and most obvious answer to the question: "What to cook for breakfast." But, alas, it is not always correct. You can rehabilitate sandwiches, replacing conventional rye bread or whole grain. This bread is rich in B vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates, fills us with energy for the whole day. Put the cheese on the bread, lettuce, fish or cottage cheese smear.

4. Eggs

Do not believe those who say that because of the large number of eggs increased cholesterol in the blood. This myth has long been denied! Eggs - a source of useful protein and amino acids. In addition, based on them can come up with so many delicious dishes that breakfast is never boring!

5. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate - a wonderful dessert option for breakfast for all who follow the figure. Real chocolate with more cocoa nourishes the body, prevents premature aging and gives us a good mood. Add a piece of chocolate for breakfast and meet new day with a smile!

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